- Dovers powder
- Glaubers salts
- Hoffmans anodyne tincture
- Jaber Dorsalis
- Lees pills
- Millers powders
- acetate of potass
- acid elixir
- alcohol
- aloe
- alum
- amputation
- anise
- anodyne
- ant
- antibilious pills
- antimonial wine
- aperient medicine
- arrowroot
- assafoetida
- astringent mixture
- bark
- bark extract
- bath
- baths warm
- bed rest
- best bark
- bilious pills
- bitters
- black mustard seed
- black pills
- blister
- blistering
- bloodletting
- blue pills
- bolus
- borax
- bordeaux oil
- brandy
- bread
- breast
- brimstone
- butter
- c ceroi
- c ferri
- calcined magnesia
- calomel
- camphor
- camphorated julap
- camphorated mixture
- camphorated oil
- carbon iron
- carbon soda
- castor oil
- cathartic
- caustic
- caustic issues
- cedar apple
- chalk
- chamomile flowers
- chamomile tea
- change of air
- chloride of lime
- cinchon
- cloths
- clyster
- cold applications
- cold bath
- cold drinks
- cold mud
- cold vinegar
- cold water
- colombo
- consultation
- cooling medicine
- cooling mixture
- cordial
- cornmeal
- cream of tartar
- cupping
- cure
- cutting
- decoction
- diet
- dire drink
- directions
- dosage
- dressing wounds
- drops
- drugs
- electuary
- elixir
- elixir vitriol
- elm
- elm bark
- emetic
- emmanagogue
- emollient
- enema pipes
- epsom salts
- essence of peppermint
- ether
- eupitorum perfoleatum
- examination
- exercise
- extirpating
- eye water
- family doctor
- feet
- fisick
- flannels
- flannels warm
- flax seed tea
- flaxseed tea
- flow benzoin
- flower of benzoin
- french brandy
- garden lily roots
- gargle
- gin
- ginger
- glyster
- grey N columbae
- grey nicher
- gruel
- guaiacum
- guaicum
- guiacum
- gum arabic
- gum guaiacum
- gutta vita
- hartshorn
- hive syrup
- hot bricks
- injections
- inoculated
- ipecac
- ipecacuana
- jaber dorsalis
- jalap
- jerusalem plant
- julap
- lard
- large powders
- laudanum
- leeches
- lemon caustic
- lemonade
- life everlasting tea
- lime
- lime water
- liniment
- linseed oil
- liquid
- madeira wine
- maderia wine
- magnesia
- magnesia water
- meadow saffron
- medicine
- mercurial course
- mercurial ointment
- mercurial pills
- mercury
- milk
- milk diet
- mixed bark
- mixture
- mud
- musk
- nap
- nicher
- nitir duls
- nurse
- nutmeg
- oak bark
- obstetrical aid
- oil
- oil of anise
- ointment
- olive oil
- open
- operate
- operation
- opium
- opodeldoc
- pale bark
- paregoric
- pasipity
- patent lint
- pearl barley
- pectoral mixture
- pepper
- pepper salt
- peppermint
- pernetus cathartus
- physic
- pills
- plaster
- port wine
- poultice
- powders
- precip rub
- precipitate
- precipitated carb of iron
- prescription
- prescriptions drug
- puke
- purgative
- purge
- quinine
- quinine pills
- rad serp verg
- red oak bark
- red pills
- regimen
- remedies
- rhubarb
- rhubarb mixture
- rubbing
- rye water
- saffron
- sago
- sal rochelle
- salts
- salve
- sassafras berry
- seidlitz powder
- seneka
- seton
- sleep
- small powders
- soda
- soda mixture
- soda powders
- soda water
- spirits
- spirits turpentine
- spirits volatile aromaticus
- spiritus nitri dulcis
- spring
- spring treatment
- spt nitr and suls
- stimulants
- strawberries
- sugar
- sulp quinine
- sulph quinine
- sulphate of quinine
- sulphur
- sulphur fumigations
- sulphur magnesia
- super carb soda
- suphate of quinine
- surgical operation
- swaims panacea
- sweet oil
- sweet spirits of nitre
- syrup
- talc papers
- tapping abdomen
- tapwen
- tartar
- tartar emetic
- tartar emetic ointment
- tartaric acid
- taxis
- tea
- tincture
- tincture nicker
- tincture of rhubarb
- tincture of steal
- tonic
- tooth extraction
- trephining
- turkey gum arabic
- turpentine
- uclerian
- unguentum mercury
- uyesrianius
- vaccination
- vaccine
- valerian
- venesection
- vinegar
- virginia snakeroot
- visit
- vitriol
- vitriolated tartar
- volatile liniment
- walking
- warm bath
- warm water
- water
- water gruel
- water hot
- watermelon seed tea
- white mixture
- wine
- winter oil
- wormseed oil
- yellow pills
- zinc pills