- abdomen
- abdomen pain
- abdomen swollen
- abscess
- abscess groin
- abscess thigh
- afflicted
- affliction
- afterpains
- agitation
- ague
- ankle
- ankle swollen
- anxiety
- appetite
- arm
- asthma
- attack
- aversion to medicine
- back
- back complaint
- back pain
- bad health
- belly
- belly pain
- bile
- bile greenish
- bile yellow
- biles
- biliary ducts
- bilious
- bilious dyark
- bilious fever
- bilious intermittent fever
- bladder
- bladder stones
- black vomit
- bleeding
- blind
- blisters
- blood
- blood inflammation
- bloody discharge
- bloody mucus
- bloody passages
- bloody saliva
- bloody stool
- bloody urine
- body
- boils
- bone
- bone exfoliation
- bowel complaint
- bowel pain
- bowels
- bowels disordered
- bowels free
- bowels indisposed
- bowels laxative
- bowels loose
- bowels swollen
- bowels unsettled
- breaking out
- breast
- breast affliction
- breast bone
- breast pain
- breast swollen
- breast ulcers
- breast uneasiness in the
- breastfeeding
- breath
- breathing difficulty
- breathing hard
- broke out
- broken hand
- bruises
- burn
- burning
- calcutta case
- cancer
- cannot stand
- catamenia
- chafing
- cheeks
- chest tightness
- childbirth
- chills
- chilly
- choking
- choking sensation
- cholera
- cholera morbus
- clitoris
- cold
- colic
- complaint
- complexion
- confined
- confined to bed
- confinement
- constipation
- contraction
- convulsed
- convulsions
- convulsive fits
- costive
- cough
- courses
- cramp
- cramping
- creeping sensation
- critical
- croup
- cut
- cutaneous affection
- cutting teeth
- dangerous
- dangerously ill
- death
- debilitated
- debility
- deciduary membrane
- deciduous membrane
- delirious
- delirium
- depression
- derangement
- diarrhea
- die
- diet
- digestion
- digestive organs
- discharge
- disease
- diseased
- distress
- dropsy
- drowsy
- dry
- dull
- dysentery
- dyspepsia
- ear
- ear pain
- ear swollen
- effusion
- elbow
- elbow out of place
- emaciated
- eruptions
- erysepelas
- evacuation
- exercise
- exfoliation
- exhaustion
- expectoration
- extremities
- eye
- eye inflamed
- eye pain
- eyes red
- eyes swollen
- face
- face broke out
- face swollen
- face ulcers
- fainting
- faintness
- fall
- family way
- fascia
- fatal
- fatigue
- feces
- feeble
- fever
- fingers
- fingers cold
- fistula
- fits
- flatulence
- flesh
- flooding
- flow of menses
- flushing
- food
- foot
- foot cold
- foot hot
- foot pain
- foot swollen
- foul tongue
- fractures
- frostbite
- fundament
- giddiness
- gidness
- glands swollen
- gonorrhea
- gout
- gravel
- green bile
- griping
- groin
- gums
- gums sore
- hand
- hand cold
- hand swollen
- hard
- hard lump
- harelip
- head
- head complaint
- head disorder
- head injury
- head laceration
- head pain
- head swimming
- head swollen
- headache
- health
- hearing poor
- heart
- heart fluttering
- heart palpitation
- heat
- heat in head
- heaving up
- helpless
- hermaphrodite
- hernia
- hip
- hip bone
- hip pain
- hip swollen
- hippo
- hoarseness
- hooping cough
- hot
- hysterics
- ill
- imposthume
- inanimate
- indigestion
- indisposed
- indisposition
- infectious disorder
- inflammation
- influenza
- insensible of motion
- intermittent
- intermittent fever
- invalid
- irritation
- irruptions
- issue
- itch
- jaw
- jaw swollen
- joint pain
- kidney
- knee
- knee hard
- knee inflamed
- knee injury
- knee pain
- knee swollen
- labia
- labor
- lack of appetite
- lancinating pain
- languid
- lassitude
- leg
- leg pain
- leg swollen
- limb pain
- limbs
- lips
- liver
- liver diseased
- load in the stomach
- load on the stomach
- lockjaw
- loin pain
- loins
- loosing
- low
- lump
- lumps
- lungs
- mad
- madness
- malady
- matter
- measles
- menses
- menstruation
- menstruation lack of
- milk
- milk lack of
- mind
- miscarriage
- misery
- mons veneris
- monthly courses
- monthly disease
- monthly periods
- monthly sickness
- motions
- mouth
- mouth broke out
- mouth dry
- mouth sore
- mucus
- mumps
- natting
- nausea
- navel
- neck
- neck pain
- neck swollen
- nerves
- nervous
- nervous affection
- nervous disorder
- nervous fever
- nervous twitches
- nettle rash
- night sweats
- noctunal emission
- noisure
- nosebleed
- numbness
- obstetric cases
- obstructed respiration
- obstruction
- operated down
- operated up
- os pubis
- out of senses
- overeating
- overflowing
- pain
- palate
- paleness
- palpitations of the heart
- palsey
- paroxysm
- pass water
- passages
- penis
- penis sores
- penum ulcer
- perspiration
- perspiration profuse
- phlegm
- phymosis
- piles
- placenta
- plethora
- pleurisy
- poison
- poison oak
- polite disorder
- postpartum period
- pox
- pregnancy
- prepuce
- pressure
- privates
- prostration
- protuberance
- pseudosyphilis
- pudendum
- puffed
- puke
- pukes
- puking
- pulse
- pulse weak
- pus
- pustules
- rain
- rash
- raving
- rectum
- reduced in flesh
- respiration
- rest
- rest badly
- restlessness
- rheumatism
- ribs
- rising
- running
- rupture
- saliva
- salivation
- salt rheum
- salts
- saturation
- scarlet fever
- scrotum
- sediments
- seminal vessels
- sensations
- sensations distressing
- shortness of breath
- shoulder
- shoulder pain
- sick
- sick stomach
- sickly
- sickness
- side
- side pain
- sight loss of
- silly
- sinus
- skin dry
- skin hot
- skin irritation
- skin red
- skull fracture
- sleep
- sleeplessness
- sleepy
- small pox
- small pox
- solubility
- sore
- sore foot
- sore mouth
- sore throat
- soreness
- sores
- sour
- sour emetations
- sours on stomach
- spasms
- speech problems
- speechless
- spinal morrow
- spine
- spirits
- spit
- spit up
- spitting blood
- spleen small
- spots red
- stagnation of blood
- stand
- stiffness
- stomach
- stomach acid
- stomach burning
- stomach disordered
- stomach heaviness
- stomach indisposition
- stomach irritable
- stomach pain
- stomach soreness
- stomach swollen
- stomach weak
- stools
- straining
- strangle
- strength
- stupefaction
- suffering
- supression of urine
- swallowing difficulty
- sweat
- swelling
- swollen testicles
- syphilis pseudo
- taste
- teething
- temples
- testicle watery
- testicles
- testicles swollen
- tetes
- thigh
- thigh swollen
- thirst
- throat
- throat dry
- throat inflamed
- throat swollen
- throbbing
- throwing up
- thrush
- thumb
- tick bite
- tongue
- tongue dry
- tongue hard
- tongue lumps
- tongue sore
- tooth
- toothache
- trembling
- trunk swollen
- tumors
- ulcer
- uneasy
- unwell
- urether
- urination
- urination painful
- urine
- urine bloody
- urine chafing
- urine decrease
- urine stoppage
- vagina
- vision
- vomiting
- walk
- water
- water ceased running
- watermelon seed
- weak
- wean
- weather
- wen
- whites of eyes
- whooping cough
- wind
- wind on stomach
- worms
- worn out
- worse
- wound
- wrist
- yellow bile