- abdomen
- abdominal pain
- abortion spontaneous
- abscess
- acetic acids
- air
- airway obstruction
- alcohol
- alcoholic beverages
- alcohols
- aloe
- alum compounds
- amenorrhea
- ammonia
- amputation
- analgesics
- anise
- ankle
- anthelmintics
- antimony
- antimony potassium tartrate
- anus
- anxiety
- anxiety disorders
- appetite
- aristolochiaceae
- arm
- arm injuries
- arrhythmia
- arthralgia
- asthenia
- asthma
- astringents
- back
- back pain
- balneology
- bandages
- barley
- baths
- bed rest
- benzoin
- beverages
- bile
- bile ducts
- bite and stings
- bladder
- blindness
- blister
- blood
- bloodletting
- bodily secretions
- body temperature
- body weight
- bone diseases infectious
- bone marrow
- borates
- borax
- bread
- breast
- breast diseases
- breast feeding
- burns
- butter
- calcium carbonate
- calcium compounds
- calomel
- camphor
- candidiasis oral
- carbonates
- caregivers
- castor oil
- cathartics
- catheterization
- caustics
- cereals
- chamomile
- cheek
- chenopodium ambrosioides
- chest pain
- chills
- cholera
- cholera morbus
- cinchona
- cinnamomum zeylanicum
- citrullus
- citrus
- cleft lip
- clitoris
- colchicum
- cold
- coldness
- colic
- coma post head injury
- common cold
- communicable diseases
- confusion
- consciousness disorders
- constipation
- contusion
- convolvulaceae
- convulsions
- copper sulfate
- corn
- cough
- critical illness
- croup
- cycas
- cysts
- death
- decidua
- deer
- defecation
- deglutition
- delirium
- delivery obstetric
- dental instruments
- depression
- depression postpartum
- dermatitis
- dermatologic agents
- diarrhea
- diet
- diet therapy
- dietary fats
- dietary sucrose
- digestion
- digestive system
- digestive system diseases
- disease
- dizziness
- dosage forms
- drainage
- drug compounding
- dysentery
- dyskinesias
- dyspepsia
- dyspnea
- dystocia
- ear
- earache
- eczema
- edema
- education medical
- elbow
- emaciation
- emetics
- emollients
- emotions
- enema
- environment
- epistaxis
- equipment and supplies
- erysipelas
- erythema
- ether ethyl
- ethyl nitrate
- exanthema
- exercise
- extremities
- eye
- eye diseases
- eye infections
- face
- facial muscles
- fascia
- fatigue
- fatty acids
- feces
- ferula
- fever
- fingers
- fistula
- flank pain
- flatulence
- flax
- flushing
- food
- foot
- fractures
- frostbite
- fruit
- fumigation
- furunculosis
- gastric juice
- gastrointestinal hemorrhage
- genital diseases female
- genital diseases male
- genitalia female
- genitalia male
- ginger
- gingiva
- glossalgia
- gonorrhea
- groin
- group practice
- guaiac
- gum arabic
- hand
- hand injuries
- heachache
- head
- headache
- health
- hearing
- hearing disorders
- heart
- heart diseases
- heat
- helminthiasis
- hematuria
- hemorrhage
- hemorrhoids
- hermaphroditism
- hernia
- hip
- hip joint
- hoarseness
- homebound persons
- honey
- horn
- house calls
- hydrocele
- hyperhidrosis
- hyperphagia
- hypesthesia
- hypnotics and sedatives
- hysteria
- immobilization
- indigestion
- infant
- inflammation
- influenza
- injections
- interprofessional relations
- intestinal diseases
- intestinal diseases parasitic
- intestines
- ipecac
- iron
- iron compounds
- irritants
- jaw
- joint diseases
- kidney
- knee
- knee injuries
- labor
- lacerations
- lactation disorders
- lactose intolerance
- lard
- leeches
- leg
- libido
- lilium
- lime
- liniments
- linseed oil
- lip
- liver
- liver diseases
- lungs
- magnesium
- magnesium oxide
- magnesium sulfate
- massage
- materia medica
- measles
- medicine chests
- menorrhagia
- menstrual cycle
- menstruation-inducing agents
- menstruation
- menstruation disturbances
- mental disorders
- mental processes
- mercury
- mercury compounds
- midwifery
- milk
- milk human
- mouth
- mouth diseases
- mouthwashes
- movement disorders
- mucus
- mud therapy
- mumps
- muscles
- musk
- mustard
- myristica fragrans
- nausea
- neck
- neck pain
- neoplasms
- nervous system diseases
- nitric acid
- nitrites
- nurses
- nursing
- office visits
- oils
- oils volatile
- ointments
- oliguria
- olive oil
- opium
- oral surgical procedures
- orchitis
- oxides
- pain
- palate
- pallor
- parasites
- parasitic diseases
- paregoric
- paresis
- paresthesia
- patient acceptance of health care
- penile diseases
- penis
- peppermint
- pharmaceutical preparations
- pharmaceutical solutions
- pharyngeal diseases
- pharyngitis
- pharynx
- phimosis
- physical examination
- physician-patient relations
- physicians family
- pills
- placenta
- placenta retained
- plant bark
- plant extracts
- plant oils
- plant roots
- plants
- plants edible
- plants medicinal
- plants oil
- pleurisy
- poisons
- polygalaceae
- potassium
- potassium sulfate
- powders
- pre-eclampsia
- pregnancy
- pregnancy complications
- prescriptions drug
- professional practice
- pruritis
- psychomotor agitation
- pubic bone
- puerperal disorders
- puerperium
- pulse
- quackery
- quercus
- quinine
- rectum
- referral and consultation
- remedies
- respiration disorders
- respiratory tract diseases
- rest
- rheumatic diseases
- rhubarb
- ribs
- rubiaceae
- rye
- saliva
- salivation
- salts
- sassafras
- scarlet fever
- sclera
- scrotum
- seeds
- seizures
- self administration
- self medication
- semen
- seminal vesicles
- sensation disorders
- shoulder
- shoulder pain
- signs and symptoms
- skin
- skin diseases
- skin ulcer
- skull fractures
- sleep
- sleep disorders
- sleep initiation and maintenance disorders
- sleep stages
- smallpox
- snoring
- soaps
- sodium bicarbonate
- sodium carbonate
- spasm
- speech disorders
- spine
- spleen
- sputum
- starch
- sternum
- stimulants historical
- stomach
- stomach diseases
- substance related disorders
- sulfates
- sulfur
- sulfuric acids
- suppuration
- surgery
- surgical instruments
- surgical procedures operative
- sweat
- sweating
- syncope
- syringes
- tablets
- tartaric acid
- tartrates
- taste disorders
- tea
- testis
- tetanus
- therapeutics
- thigh
- thirst
- thorax
- throat
- thumb
- ticks
- tongue
- tooth eruption
- tooth extraction
- toothache
- toxicodendron
- travel
- trephining
- trusses
- turpentine
- ulcer
- umbilicus
- unconsciousness
- urethra
- urinary calculi
- urinary disorders
- urination
- urination disorders
- urine
- urtica dioica
- uterine hemorrhage
- vaccination
- vagina
- valerian
- vegetables
- virus diseases
- vision
- vision disorders
- vomiting
- vulva
- walking
- water
- weaning
- weather
- whooping cough
- wine
- wounds and injuries
- wrist
- xerostomia
- yellow fever
- zinc
- zingiberaceae