- 1819 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Answer of Lewis Holloday, unknown
- Summary: Lewis Holloday's response to the Bill of Complaint against himself from Waller Holloday and others. The complaint is over ownership of the deceased Zachary Lewis' slaves who had been lent to Betty Holloday, formerly Betty Littlepage, also deceased. Lewis Holloday's response letter is authorized by Justice of the Peace John Dipscomb. The response also includes a full listing of names and ages of the 33 slaves under discussion. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1810 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Answer of the Coleman family, Nov. 1810
- Summary: Bill of Complaint against Robert T. Coleman, Mary Coleman, and Lewis L. Coleman by Waller Holloday, Hugh Corrans Boggs, and Nancy Boggs. The complaint is over the rightful possession of slaves left through Zachary Lewis' will. Justice of the Peace Senator Crutchfield authorized the document. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1810 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Answer of Waller Lewis, April 28, 1810
- Summary: This document is Waller Lewis' response to the Bill of Complaint against him by Waller Holloday and others. The complaint is in regards to slaves left in the will of Zachary Lewis. Justice of the Peace Aylett Waller authorized this document. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1811 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Bill of Complaint, 1811
- Summary: The document is a Bill of Complaint to the Honorable Judge of the Superior Court of Chancery for the Richmond District regarding the complaint of Waller Holloday, Hugh Corrans Boggs, and Nancy Boggs. The complaint outlines the will of Zachary Lewis and various interpretations of how his slaves were to be distributed among his family members after his death. The fourth page provides an outline of the complaint. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1818 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Bond, January 1, 1818
- Summary: An official decision by the Court of Appeals regarding the ownership of Zachary Lewis' slaves. The decision divides the listed slaves into three equal groups and assigns them to Robert Coleman/Lewis L. Coleman, Waller Holloday, and Hugh Corrans Boggs. At the end of the document Waller Lewis agrees to the terms. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1819 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Certificate of Court of Appeals, unknown
- Summary: Discussion of court-ordered payments to those involved. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1819 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Costs, October 7, 1819
- Summary: An official document from the court discussing court costs. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1819 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Decree 1, unknown
- Summary: Court of Appeals decree number one. Some discussion of money. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1819 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Decree 2, June 22, 1812
- Summary: Court of Appeals decree number two. Discussion of the terms of the appeal and the outcome. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1817 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Decree 3, December 20, 1817
- Summary: The Court of Appeals orders payments. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1812 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Decree, June 8, 1812
- Summary: Court order discussing the division of Zachariah Lewis' property. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1812 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Form of Record, June 22, 1812
- Summary: Outline of the Zachariah Lewis property dispute. Includes a list of court fees on page 3. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1766 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Will of James J. Littlepage, October 25, 1766
- Summary: Will of James J. Littlepage. According to the will, all of Littlepage's slaves are to be divided equally by his first wife. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1818 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Legatees Agreement, January 1, 1818
- Summary: Discusses the court allocation of Zachary Lewis' slaves. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1819 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Order 1, October 7, 1819
- Summary: Brief discussion of those involved in the court case. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1819 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Order 2, unknown
- Summary: Court order directing financial payments for Waller Lewis. Also discusses the possession of Zachary Lewis' slaves. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1811 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Order 3, January 15, 1811
- Summary: Court procedural document. Robert T. Coleman, Mary Coleman, Robert Coleman, and Lewis L. Coleman are the defendants. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1810 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Subpoena, January 6, 1810
- Summary: Court subpoena to have Waller Lewis, Robert T. Coleman, Mary Coleman, Robert Coleman, Lewis L. Coleman, and Lewis Holloday appear at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1819 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Taxation of Costs, unknown
- Summary: Court costs listed by Defendant and Plaintiff. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1819 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Zachary Lewis Estate Account, 1810-1819
- Summary: Mention of Doctor James Carmichael services on Febuary 16, 1816 (page 3). Separate pages for the services of Dr. Lewis L. Coleman and Robert T. Coleman, Dr. Waller Holloday, and Dr. Hugh Corran Boggs. Extensive listing of slave health care services from 1810-1819. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1765 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Holloday &c vs. Lewis exc. &c, 1819: Will of Zachary Lewis, February, 4, 1765
- Summary: In the will, Zachary Lewis indicates how he would like his slaves to be distributed. Lewis includes the names of all of his slaves. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1818 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Lucas vs. Halls Adm., 1819: Certiorari Bond, September 18, 1818
- Summary: Writ of Certiorari for a pending court case. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1818 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Lucas vs. Halls Adm., 1819: Copy of Proceedings, September 19, 1818
- Summary: Court dispute over medical services for slaves. Discussion of Doctor Carmichael assisting in and performing an amputation on a slave as well as the corresponding expenses. One particular amputation was said to cost five pounds. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1818 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Lucas vs. Halls Adm., 1819: Defendant's Costs, October 13, 1818
- Summary: Short list of defendant's costs. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1818 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Lucas vs. Halls Adm., 1819: Notice, April 17, 1818
- Summary: Notice about court hearing. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1818 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Lucas vs. Halls Adm., 1819: Summons for Justices, September 18, 1818
- Summary: Summons for justices in the suit between Zachariah Lucas and the Halls. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1876 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Bill of Complaint, 1876
- Summary: Bill of Complaint regarding George F. Carmichael and Elizabeth Carmichael, signed by Charles Herndon. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1875 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Certificate of Publication, September 30, 1875
- Summary: Statement of publication in The Virginia Star. Sale of property of former Eleanor B. Carmichael as a result of Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael suit. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1879 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Children of Mrs. Ann Hart, unknown
- Summary: List of the names of Mrs. Ann Hart's children. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1879 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Commissioner's Report, unknown
- Summary: Discussion of the Carmichael property sale through auction.. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1855 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Elizabeth Carmichael's will, January 30, 1855
- Summary: Elizabeth Carmichael indicates how she would like her property and money divided after her death. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1876 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: George F. Carmichael answer, June 1, 1876
- Summary: This is George F. Carmichael's answer to the Mutual A.S. of VA bill of complaint. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1869 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Judgment, October 1869
- Summary: Financial judgment for the case. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1875 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Mutual Assurance Society account, October 1, 1875
- Summary: List of charges to Carmichael in Mutual Assurance Society account. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1879 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Notes for a decree 1, unknown
- Summary: Notes for decree. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1876 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Notes for a decree 2, 1876
- Summary: Notes on decree. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1879 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Notes in regards to conveyance to Ellen K. Carmichael, unknown
- Summary: Notes regarding deed and Elizabeth Carmichael. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1878 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Order, May 27, 1878
- Summary: Court order. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1879 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Petition of McDowell, unknown
- Summary: Petition of A. McDowell. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1879 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Property Evaluation, unknown
- Summary: Evaluation of the former home of Dr. Carmichael on Prince Edward Street. Evaluation of the sale as a "very good one." [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1876 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Property Sale Advertisement, July 12, 1876
- Summary: Announcement of the sale of "Mrs. Carmichael's" house on Prince Edward Street. Sold for six-hundred and ten dollars. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1879 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: R.H. Carmichael Answer to Bill of Complaint, unknown
- Summary: R.H. Carmichael's response to a bill of complaint. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1879 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Statement of Commissioner's Accounts, unknown
- Summary: Statement of court costs. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1875 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Subpoena 1, October 18, 1875
- Summary: Court subpoena. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1875 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Subpoena 2, October 2, 1875
- Summary: Court subpoena. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1879 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Mutual A.S. of VA vs. George F. Carmichael & c., 1879: Unidentified List, unknown
- Summary: Unidentified list of names. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1813 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Vass vs. Patton, 1813 : Commissioner Barton Report #1, 1813
- Summary: Commissioner Barton's Report #1 discusses the estate of Alexander Vass, deceased, vs. the estate of James Hunter, deceased. In it Barton evaluates the fees for medicines and services provided by Vass, a local physician. James Carmichael is called upon to give testimony. Carmichael claims it is customary when physicians practice in families by the year, for a stipulated sum, a separate and distinct charge is always made for small pox inoculations. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1813 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Vass vs. Patton, 1813 : Commissioner Barton Report #2, 1813
- Summary: Commissioner Barton's Report #2 discusses the estate of Alexander Vass, deceased, vs. the estate of James Hunter, deceased. In it Barton provides his final analysis of the accounts. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1807 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Commonwealth vs. James Carmichael, 1807 : Indictment against James Carmichael, September 20, 1807
- Summary: This is an indictment against James Carmichael for assault against Peter Cooke, a tutor. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1807 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Commonwealth vs. James Carmichael, 1807 : Indictment against Peter Cooke, August 31, 1807
- Summary: This is an indictment against Peter Cooke for assault against James Carmichael, a physician. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1807 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Commonwealth vs. James Carmichael, 1807 : Summons, September 25, 1807
- Summary: This is a summons for Peter Cooke to appear in court on the second Thursday in December. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1838 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Anderson vs. Carmichael's, 1839 : Forthcoming Bond, October 4, 1838
- Summary: Edward H. and George F. Carmichael are in debt to Thomas M. Anderson. Carmichael's slave, a man named Joe, is to be sold to satisfy the writ. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1838 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Anderson vs. Carmichael's, 1839 : Write of Execution, September 27, 1838
- Summary: The judge orders Edward H. and George F. Carmichael to pay their debt to Thomas M. Anderson. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1814 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Accounts on the Estate of Mann Page with Carmichael and Browne, 1814-1822
- Summary: The following 12 pages discuss the estate of Mann Page from June 14, 1814 through February 6, 1822. It lists all the dates in which Drs. James Carmichael and William Browne provided medicines and services for Page's children and his slaves. Costs associated with their visits and the medicines administered are also given. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1820 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Letter from Burr Harrison to Beverley R. Wellford, June 18, 1820
- Summary: Harrison refuses to pay Dr. Wellford for his medical attendance to the slaves of the estate of Mann Page. He asserts that only Dr. Carmichael is employed to attend to the slaves of Page's estate. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1825 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Beverley R. Wellford Affidavit, January 21, 1825
- Summary: Wellford examined the accounts of the estate of Mann Page and found the charges for services and medicines usual and customary. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1822 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Bill of Complaint, June 17, 1822
- Summary: This document gives background to the court case of Carmichael vs. Harrison. After Mann Page died, his widow Mary W. Page married Burr Harrison. The Harrison's then assumed the possession of the slaves of the estate of Mann Page. James Carmichael and William Browne, partners in a medical practice, attended, prescribed, and administered medicines to those slaves and the children of Mann Page. After the partnership of Browne and Carmichael dissolved, Carmichael's practice included his son, Edward H. Carmichael. The bill asserts that Harrison cannot pay the medical debt unless he sells the slaves or hires them out for profit. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1825 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Commissioner Barton Report #1, June 18, 1825
- Summary: In this report, Commissioner Barton reviews the case of James Carmichael vs. Burr and Mary W. Harrison. In it, Barton evaluates the monetary amount owed to Carmichael for medical treatment of Mann Page's children and slaves. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1825 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Commissioner Barton Report #2, January 21, 1825
- Summary: Barton finds the amount of $922.70 due to the plaintiff, James Carmichael. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1824 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Copy of Order, October 12, 1824
- Summary: This order rules against Burr and Mary W. Harrison. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1825 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Copy of Order, June 18, 1825
- Summary: This document upholds the Commissioner's report. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1818 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Copy from the Record #1, June 2, 1818
- Summary: On March 13, 1818, James Carmichael and William Brown sue Burr Harrison, administrator of the property of the deceased Mann Page, for not paying a debt of $667.44 for medical services. On January 17, 1817 Burr Harrison promises to pay $333.72. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1818 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Copy from the Record #2, June 2, 1818
- Summary: On March 13, 1818, James Carmichael and William Browne sue Burr Harrison, administrator of the property of the deceased Mann Page, for not paying a debt of $108.24 for medical services. On June 19, 1817, Burr Harrison promises to pay $54.12. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1824 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Edward H. Carmichael Affidavit, January 21, 1824
- Summary: Carmichael testifies on behalf of the plaintiff. He finds that the charges for services and medicines for the slaves and children of Mann Page are usual and customary. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1824 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : John Goolrick Affidavit, January 21, 1824
- Summary: Goolrick testifies on behalf of James Carmichael. Mary W. Harrison requested that Goolrick tend to her slaves while she was away. She gave him permission to seek out medical aid from any area physician. Goolrick called upon James Carmichael many times for medical care for the slaves of Harrison. [Courtesy of the ]
- 1818 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Judgements Summary of the Spotsylvania Superior Court, May 1818
- Summary: The Spotsylvania Superior Court finds the judgement in favor of James Carmichael and William Browne and orders Burr Harrison to pay his debt. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1819 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Letter from Burr Harrison to James Carmichael, June 24, 1819
- Summary: Harrison states that he has no wish to delay Carmichael on getting the money he owes him. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1824 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Answer of Mann A. and Jane M. Page, August 17, 1824
- Summary: John Stanard, Marshall of the Chancery Court, is assigned to be the guardian of Mann A. and Jane M. Page, the minor children of Mann Page. Stanard requests that since they are considered infants under twenty years that the court protect their rights. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1808 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Deed of Trust written by Mann Page to John Minor, February 16, 1808
- Summary: This document appoints John Minor as the executor of the estate of Mann Page. Following the death of Mann Page, Minor is to settle the debts of Page. The remaining estate is to go to Page's wife, Mary Wilson Page. It also gives a listing of the slaves and their families owned by Page. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1824 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Notes for an Order, October 12, 1824
- Summary: This document briefly discusses the judgments rendered by Commissioner Burton in the case of Carmichael vs. Harrison. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1825 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Notes for an Order, [n.d.]
- Summary: In this undated document, the author asserts that the claims were against the estate of Mann Page in the hands of his administrator. He then concludes that the same claim could not exist against the separate estate in the hands of the trustee. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1825 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Order, January 21, 1825
- Summary: Exhibits no. 1, 2 & 3 by the plaintiff James Carmichael are withdrawn. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1823 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Rules, January 11, 1823
- Summary: Subpoenas awarded, returned, and executed on the defendants William Browne and Edward H. Carmichael. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1823 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Rules, May 22, 1823
- Summary: Subpoenas awarded, returned, and executed on the defendants Burr and Mary W. Harrison, Mann A. and Jane M. Page, and Lucy L. Minor. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1823 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Rules, May 22, 1823
- Summary: Subpoenas awarded, returned, and executed to the defendants Burr and Mary W. Harrison, Mann A. and Jane M. Page, and Lucy L. Minor. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1825 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Extract from Deed, [n.d.]
- Summary: The extract is of the schedule of property mentioned in the deed from Mann Page to John Minor. Page's property includes 30 slaves, two bay mares, two cows, plantation utensils, and household and kitchen furniture. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1823 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Subpoena for Mann A. Page, January 11, 1823
- Summary: A subpoena is issued to Mann A. Page to appear in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of Chancery in Fredericksburg on the first Monday in April. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1822 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Subpoena, October 11, 1822
- Summary: A subpoena is issued to Burr and Mary W. Harrison, Mann A. and Jane M. Page, and Lucy L. Minor to appear in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of Chancery in Fredericksburg on the first Monday in January. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1822 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Subpoena, June 17, 1822
- Summary: A subpoena is issued to Burr and Mary W. Harrison, Mann A. and Jane M. Page, Lucy L. Minor, William Browne, and Edward H. Carmichael to appear in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of Chancery in Fredericksburg on the tenth day of the next term. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1825 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Request from Thomas H. Botts, [n.d.]
- Summary: Botts, the council for Mary W. Harrison, requests that the court not proceed on the pending case of Carmichael vs. Harrison until Harrison can file her answer to the case. She intends to file separate from her husband's answer as she has distinct interests apart from him. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1825 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : William Browne Affidavit, January 21, 1825
- Summary: Browne testifies on behalf of the plaintiff. He finds the charges for medicines and services customary and usual. He also knows that the services charged were rendered up to June 25, 1819. [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]
- 1825 : Fredericksburg Circuit Court Records, Carmichael vs. Harrison, 1825 : Wrapper with docket, April 1825
- Summary: [Courtesy of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court]