

Charles had got a great Deal
better & I flattered myself that he would
soon get well, tho his cough continued, &
it seemed pretty well ascertained that it
actually was the hooping cough - But yes
-terday Afternoon he was taken with an
Ague, which continued on him a conside
-rable time, & was succeeded by a fever
which is not yet off. He complains of
a pain in the head, & pains all over him
in his breast particularly. He puked several
times yesterday evening after the fever came
on. He had had an eruption of the Erysepe
-las on his breast & body for several days,
but yesterday Morning it disappeared.
I gave him this Morning a dose of Epsom
Salts. I wish one of you would come
& see him today or tomorrow Morning.

yr. obt. hum: Sert.

Lau. Battaile

Prospect Hill
