

My little Daughter still has high fever with
delirium - some times in her senses, some times not - she coughs almost
incessantly - she can lay on either side without Complaining more
than if she lay on her Back - she complain'd last night of a pain in
the right side just below the short Ribbs..from which I have
merely guess.d that the Cold and the jolting has effected her Liver

Before Doct. E. C's proscription came Mrs. Strode
had given our Daughter a dose of Calomel & in the morning oil -
soon as the proscription came she had her bled two Tea Cups
for full as direction, with evident good effect - & had a Blister
put on the back of her neck & on her Breast of which she
Complain'd - Then came Doct. Wharton. He gave a
dose of Calomel & yesterday a dose of salts. They operated well -
He said he never had seen such inflamatory blood as that
which Mrs. Strode had had taken from her - I urged him to bleed
her again as her face was flush.d - He refused to bleed her
for fear of prostration or nervous fever - He then urged the
necessity of send.g for one of you to advise with him and
went home promis.g to be here at 12 O'Ck - at night she
complaind of the pain in her Right side just below the Short
Ribbs - I applied a blister. She has had a distracted night
some times in her Senses - some times not - cough d incessantly
only when at short intervals she dosed - I wrote you yesterday
by Henry but fear I was not minute enough in my letter &
that I may not have said all that was requisite.

She is one of those Cases that Life depends upon
prompt exection of skill- neither Mrs. Strode or myself


have any confidence but in one of you - I would freely give
my Life to see one of you here - I pray to God that one of you
can come -

Your distress.d Friend

Tho: Strode

please Send some arrow Root - my Child has not eat
one mouthfull, more or less since Monday -

