
Dear Sir -

I am at present attending the eldest daughter
of Mrs. Jane Mitchell in a dysentery - She is naturally
delicate and the case is attended with some very trouble-
some symptoms - extreme irritability of stomach - violent
pain in the bowels - occasional vomitting of dark bile-
By blistering the abdomen I have been enabled to evacu-
ate the bowels partially of fecal matter, but her stomach
has become so exceedingly irritable that no cathartic can
be retained - too much fever for anodynes- pulse will
not bear bleeding - injections afford little relief tho'
freely used - I write at the earnest request of the
young lady to request your particular attendance in
person - And by joining me as early as you can
you will confer a considerable favour on

Yrs very respectfully

John Moncure Daniels

Dr. James Carmichael -
