D' Sir
I am desired by Mrs. Brent to inform you that she gave Mr.
Brent the camphorated julap as you directed with good effect
but that about one hour before day he began to complain of a
griping occasioned by the dose of sulphur which increased to so
great a degree that he insisted on taking laudanum - & she gave
him 30 drops & soon afterwards 40 more which relieved the pain
in a great measure - Six doses of bark have been administered during
the day & his fever came on later than usual - to night however
the discharges from his bowels are bloody & the saliva is also tinged
with blood -Mrs. B. feels so uneasy that she despatches a messenger
for you tonight and trusts you will comply with your promise of
visiting her husband as soon as sent for -yr. mo: obt:
St: Leger L Carter
Richland Oct: 23. 1823