
Dr Doctor

Since I wrote you I have
[been] much more indisposed. I sleep scarcerly any
& am so debilitated that I walk about but little
my debility has been greatly increased by
the action of some purgative medicine
which I took to remove a costive state of bowels
what must be done to procure sleep. the
irritation of some recently formed
Issues has kept up this wakefulness
Altho no unnatural practice has
existed with me which seems to be
the fruitful service of Jaber Dorsalis
yet there is a strong resemblance in
the symptons & I have experienced the deran
ged state of the Degistive organs flatulency
sour Emetations &c. & I am disposed to
try the grey Neiter columbae &c. what say
you? I must trouble you to send me
the materials for carrying this pres
into practice & yr Experience as to its use
-- nervous affections


send me a vial of Hoffman's Anodyne
Tincture. I want to try in giving me
better nights & in abaying these
nervous twitchings that harrass me
when I send to you for medicine
you will be so good as to charge me
with it, as I would not get it from
you without yr compliance, but as
I want it for my own use I want
it pure & genuine which I could not
be certain of from the shops
& one or the other of you be cer
tain to write to me; unless
there is some improvement
in my Health soon I shall
despair of ever getting well

yrs truly

J,s Minor

PS I send you the enclosed letter which
would have been returned sooner
but I loaned it to James eilot Minor so he
have one [unclear] by & it has just
been returned
J M--

