
With unfeigned sorrow we discharge the melan-
choly duty of recording the death of our venerable
and most valuable fellow-citizen, Doctor JAMES
CARMICHAEL. He died yesterday morning, in the
60th year of his age.

Doctor Carmichael was a native of Scotland. At
an early age he emigrated to America, and became
a resident of this town, where he commenced the
practice of his profession nearly forty years ago. He
presented himself to our little community, a youth-
ful stranger, unknown and unsustained by family
or fortune. The virtues of his heart procured him
friends, and the cultivated resources of his mind
rendered other influence unnecessary to introduce
him to a lucrative practice; in a short time he tri-
umphed over every difficulty, & rapidly acquired
that professional eminence, which he maintained to
the hour of his death.

The loss of such an individual is no common ca-
lamity. Eminently skilled in the complicated du-
ties of his profession, he acquired the unlimited
confidence of his numerous patients. Philanthro-
pic and benevolent in disposition, he possessed their
love, for where strength and heart failed and hu-
man aid could avail nothing, while his skill soften-
ed the stroke which it could not avert, his sympa-
thies soothed the agonies of surviving affection, and
by pouring oil and wine into its wounds, assuaged
at least what he could not heal. It is not only
therefore in the sacred privacy of his domestic cir-
cle, that his loss will be felt in all the bitterness of
unavailing sorrow, but the afflicted tenant of the
bed of sickness—aye, even the hopeless desponden-
cy of the chamber of death, will mourn over the
loss of that skill, to which infirmity looked for re-
lief, and that consolation which would have smooth-
ed the pillow of departing mortality. The crowds
which daily watched, with anxious solicitude, for
the termination of his illness, attest the elevated
place which he held in the affections of his fellow-

The funeral of the deceased will take place,
from his late residence, this morning at nine o'clock.
The friends and acquaintances of the family, and
the citizens generally are respectfully, invited to at-