
Dear Sir

Edward still continues very
sick and confined to his bed,
with more or less fever every
day, though it is not as high as
it has been, there has never
been the least degree of moisture
on the ski [n], but for the last
six or seven days a constant
drowsiness and disposition to
sleep, some days it appeared
it was with difficulty he could
keep his eyes open a few minutes
at a time, in consequence of his
resting and sleeping so well of a
night we thought it unnessary
to give him more than two
of the powders as directed, he
has taken all the Medicine in


the phials. he became costive soon
after I wrote to you which was
removed by a small dose of
Salts. he complains of no pain
any where and is not restless
[has] no appetite, but takes some
nourishment, which does not
seem to disagree with him.
his hands and feet are sometimes
cold when he has a good deal fever
Will thank you to send by
Brodie what it will be proper
for him to take.

We do not think him danger
ously ill, but that he has an
obstinate and constant fever
which has weakened and reduc
=ed him so, that he cannot
walk across the room without
some assistance.

Yours Respectfully

Brodie S. Hull

