
To correct the misrepresentation and
false impressions, which have prevailed,
and still prevail, with regard to the proceed-
ings adopted by most of the Physicians in this
place, sometime in May last, and which pro-
ceedings have since been approved and sub-
scribed by all of them : it is considered ne-
cessary to lay the following Copy before the

WE the Undersigned, Practitioners of
MEDICINE and SURGERY, in the Town of
Fredericksburg, taking into consideration the
want of any uniform and established charges,
for Medicines and Medical services, and be-
lieving that the adoption of a Scale of char-
ges by which all should be governed, would
promote harmony and justice among our-
selves, as well as the good of the public, do,
therefore, mutually pledge our honors, that we
will be governed hereafter, in our charges for
Medicines, and Medical Services, by the fol-
lowing Rates: —and furthermore, that we will
annually, require a settlement of our Medical
Accounts, by Bond or otherwise, or disconti-
nue our services, when such settlement may
be refused.


Visit in Corporation, from -5to6
Visit do in night12
Visit in Country, (per mile)2
Mixtures, (per ounce) - -1
Powders, (per doz) - -12
Cathartics & Emetics, (each)2
Anodynes, (each) - 3
Materials for 3 pints tonic In-
fus - - -
Electuaries, (per ounce) - 5
Blister for head - -12
All other Blisters, (each) - 5
Prescription - - -12
Consultation - - - 30
Venesection - - -6
Extracting Tooth - - -6
Cupping - - -18
Opening Temporal Artery -18
Trephining - - - -120
Amputating Thigh or Leg-120
Do arm - -100
Smaller Amputation, from -30to60
All Fractures and Luxations,
except of the smaller Bones
and Joints - - -100
Do of smaller Bones
and Joints - - -30to60
Obstetric Cases, (natural)-120
Do. do (instrumental)240
Extirpating Breast - 180
Do. other Tumors, from30to60
Opening Abscesses from -7 6 to15
Introducing Probing or [unclear]
ter - - -
Dressing wounds - 5
Do. with Caustic - 76
Mercureal Course - -100
Treatment Gonnorrhea - 60
Attendance per day - -48
Do per night - - -96
Tapping Abdom. - -100
Harelip Operation - -160
Operation of Taxis in Hernia60
Do. for Fistula - -90

Convi [n]ced that the above Rates are reason-
able and different in no essential respect, from
those by which the Physicians, who have had
the largest share of practice, have been go-
verned for many years ; and being desirous of
protecting the Profession, as far as practica-
ble, from all competition except that founded
on merit : we do further pledge ourselves,
That we will refuse to consult with any Phy-
sician of said Town, who may decline a fair
and honorable competition, and endeavour to
obtain the patronage of the public, by consent-
ing to receive less that the established Fees.


George French,
Robt. Wellford,
James Carmichael,
Charles L. Carter,
Wm. French,
Wm. Brown,
Hugh Stanard,
John H. Wallace.
Bev. R. Wellford.

Fred'g, Sept. 11.