
Dear Doctr.

Somerville has been clear of fever for 24 hours. She still
coughs very much, complains of pain in her side and her breast - whether
it is disease or the ne mere remnant effect of what she has suffer'd I don't
know - Doct. Wharton has given her two does of Calomel since you left
her - the first brought off discharges as black as my hat. She had the
look last night Since that her evacuations have been lighter colour'd
she took the Second dose last night which has not yet operated-

Since writing the above the Calomel has operated
the passages billious with a great deal of phlem - she has taken all
the cough mixture you left -

Somervilles throat is considerable inflamed &
some little ulcers about her tongue & lips, which Dr.W. said when he
was here was not the effect of the Calomel.

Mr. Barnett has a little son 5 yrs old. was
taken on Sunday with unclear fever. He has given him [a puke and] 3 doses of Calomel
and blistered him. He has had a high degree of fever. experienced great pain
passing his water which has in some degree subsided. His skin is very red &
broke out in small rough blotches - in his senses only when first
waking from sleep - we might suppose it was scarlet fever but


there has been no case of it in this neighborhood - I wish you
would write me what to do for him -

I feel this a very critical time with my little
Daughter. The discharge of phlem seem'd copious strongly marked with
yellow bile. Yesterday she eat a little - I ask you to [unclear] try to read
this scrawle & write me fully -

Affly. Yr. Friend.

Tho. Strode