
I have taken all the pills you sent and
they have not produced the desired effect. I thought
about 3 days [ago] that my gums felt sore, as also my
throat but that feeling has entirely subsided
altho' I have continued to take two pills each
day -- I have suffered great pain in the
last 3 or 4 days with my bowells. and always
in the evening and greater part of the night
in the early part of the day I am somewhat
oppress'd with wind which when discharged
is accompanied generally with a thin bloody
mucus but without pain - toward the evening
the passages assume nearly a natural
appearance and are pass'd with a degree
of smarting pain -- immediately after the discharges
(which at times are very copious) and for a conside
=rable time thereafter I suffer excruciating
pain above the abdomen and in the left
side just between the ribs & hip- the pain
was not as severe yesterday evening as the even
=ing before - I have thought it necessary; to
give you this statement & have sent the boy
for more pills should you deem them necessary
I shall be glad you would visit me as
soon as you may think necessary

yr. Servant

B. C. Stanard
