
Marshal's Sale.

BY virtue of a Decree of the Superior Court of
Chancery for the Fredericksburg District,
pronounced on the 6th day of October, 1829, in a suit
depending in the said Court between Susanna Coyle,
alias Susanna Barry, and Ellen Mattheson, plaintiffs;
and Alexander Sorrel, executor of David C. Coyle, de-
ceased, James Carmichael and Edward H. Carmichael.
and John Chapman and James Chapman, defendants-
I shall, on the second Saturday in December next, be-
fore the front door of the Farmer's Hotel, in the town
of Fredericksburg, expose to sale, by public auction, to
the highest bidder, upon a credit of six months, the
following property, or so much thereof as may be ne-
cessary to raise the sum of $183 68 cents, with interest
from 5th day of Sept'r, 1829, and to defray the costs,
as well of the plaintiffs as of the defendants, in this
cause, and the costs of sale, viz:

lying on Caroline street, in the town of Fredericksburg,
of which David C. Coyle died seized and possessed.

Also, The HOUSE and LOT,
in the said town, designated by the said Coyle as pur-
chased of George French.


Fredericksburg, Nov. 7, 1829.