
To Doct. Carmichael,

My Mother continues
to mend so very slowly that if there
be any other instructions necessary I
should like to hear from you - She
can only now sit up for a few minutes
at a time - She complains of much
heat in her head which is very much
broken out with biles & her hands and
feet cold & dry - she has never been the
least moist at any time - I am not
certain that she has had a return of
her chills & fever although I think she
has a slight one every morning - she
rests well at night & likewise
sleeps from 8 oclock till eleven regu
larly every morning during which period
her hands & feet are much colder than
at any other time & when she rouses
I have thought she had a slight fever
Her appetite is very bad - she takes
little or no nourishment - she compla
ins of her mouth being dry & very sore
so much so that it pains her to take any
thing cold - yet I cannot discov [er] from


[unclear] that it is the effects of mercury

Agreeably to your directions I gave
her the oil that night you left here
& another dose on monday & have con
tinued the Quinine, though from
her being so weak never less than six
pills in the morning until two days past
I have given her four - On thursday last
I gave her one blue pill - equal to
4. grs. of calomel which I used instead
of calomel as it makes her sick -
The evacuation was free & very bilious
with several worms which she has
passed whenever she has taken calomel
Last evening I again gave her ten grs
of jalap which operated twice -

Please let me hear from you
by the servant & I remain yours,

very respectfully

Anne R Dermott

