
Dr. Sir,

The boy that I send up with the overseer for you
to examine, has for some weeks, showed symptoms of derange-
ment. Regarding the case at first, as proceeding from pleth-
ora, we resorted to bleeding, and gave him a dose, or two, of
salts - But instead of recovering, his mind appears more
than ever affected. From an uncommonly intelligent negro
he has become completely silly: his madness being of a de-
jected, stupid character, without any marks of the fury so
often attending insanity. Mr. Mason, however, who goes to Fred-
ericksburg with him, will explain more fully the par-
ticulars of his case. Will you then, sir, transmit through
him such directions with regard to treatment &c. as may
seem advisable in a situation of this kind?

Respectfully Yours,

Arthur A. Morson.
