Norfolk June 23d 1823
Dear Sir,
I have the pleasure to forward you by
the Steam Boat going up this Morning (inclosed is
a package put to Mr James A. Waddle) the
Box of Segars requested Some time Since - I owe
you an apology for the delay in forwarding it; but
Soon after I returned from Fredricksburg I had Some
orders for Supplies for the Navy. which I had previously
promised in case they Should be wanted.You'll find this Box better than any you
have Smoked from my factory, and perhaps as
good as any you have met with from any other.Yr. name is written upon it and I have
directed Mr. Waddle to deliver it to you upon
application. I will endeavour Shortly
to reduce the Balance of yr a/c in
another way. In hasteY.rs truly
B. Maury
Dr Edw.d Carmichael