
Dr Sirs

My wife I think very little better if
any than when the Doct was here, she was
taken last night with a very Severe pain in her
left side which is still troublesome this morning
I think her cough is not quite as troublesome
as it has been, altho She has Coughed pretty
much in the early part of this morning
her fevers are not as Constant as they
have been, the sweats at night still
Continue: altho not as high, she Complains
of being very weak and languid this morn
ing, She has not [unclear]ore medicine than
she will take today [unclear]- You will be
pleased to send me [di]cine for my wife
and also some for Mr John M. Herndon
who still remains very sick, he was
taken with Chills and fevers the Chills
have left him but his fevers still
Continue high, he has taken about
ten doses of medicine which he believes
has checked the agues and now wishes
medicine for his fevers. I wish you
would send such medicines as you
may think necessary, as it is im
portant the fevers should be checked
as soon as possible, he has this
[mo]rning taken a dose of Salts


R S Stevenson
