
Dear Sir

You will receive by the mail driver
2 vials and one Box you will please fill
the vials with Ether and Spirits Turpentine as
I expect that is what I have been taking
send the Box pills also My health for several days
has been quite bad my head feels very full and
heavy at this time and I fear very much the approach
of any [another] convulsion -- I have been much troubled
for 4 or 5 weeks with a Braking out something
resemling the Itch only much worse It is a
previlent thing in this country Some cure it
by ointing with sulpher I have tried that but
since that have felt worse about the head
you will please send something for that terible
troublesome disease (also) I had this breaking
out some time previous to my first attack
and drove it away with sulpher I doubt
very much whether it has not been the c
cause of those convulsions -- I shall
hope to get something that will kill this
tormenting disease by return of mail
Write me by the mail driver and tie the
Letter to the Vial, I am yrs &.c

Robt Bronaugh

Doct Charm
