


The Carmichael House

Hanover Street, near Princess Anne

One of the most perfect types of the earliest
American architectural style, and particularly of a style
characteristic of Virginia, is the Carmichael House,
built in 1780 by Charles Yates who, soon after its com-
pletion sold it to Dr. James Carmichael, A Scotch
physician who had just come over. From that time
until a few years ago, four Carmichaels in succession
have been physicians with their residence and office
in the old house. The Carmichael home has also been
widely known in Virginia because it was always a
center of social activity and because of its hospitality.

The rooms are furnished in old mahogany, and in
them are hung interesting portraits dating back for
generations. The garden is filled with old-fashioned
flowers, and there is an old-time summerhouse in it,
typical of earlier days.

The porch and doorway are particularly interesting
to lovers of old architecture.

[From Old Homes and History Around Fredericksburg,
by John T. Goolrick, 1929. p. 41]