Roxbury 23 Octr. 1824
Dear Sir
My Son Robert has left his two daughters
here, they have both been unwell, with bad Colds
Mary the Oldest, some few days ago, had a fever at
night, but the next Morning she appeared to be clear
of it & was walking about the house, last Wednesday
& Thursday - she Complained of a Violent pain in her
ear, which gave her a fever, the next morning she
appeared to be better and was walking about - The rising
in her ear appears to have broken on friday - and dischar
ged - last night she again had a fever, but she was about to day
to night she has a high fever, she has not had
a passage since Saturday night -- she is going on
five years Old - The Youngest is very hoarse and I
am afraid, she may have The Croup -. I will
be very Much obliged if you will Come out and
see Them without delay, as My son has requested
you to be sent for if They are the least unwellI will thank you to send me a bottle of best
Castor Oil and a pound of Epsom Salts, on his
account as his Negroes are frequently in want - pray dont
fail Coming
Your Friend
Larkin Stanard
Sunday Night --