Decr 6.
th1820My Dear Sir
I wish to get your advice farther
with regard to my situation the medicine I have
been taking from you has relieved my head and
bowels which are and have been for more than a
fortnight in a costive state I am much afflicted
with an uneasiness in my stomach there is at
times a great tightness across my chest and
a heaviness at the pit of my stomach attended
with a noisure which sometimes prevents my
rest and I have a great deal of acid on my sto
mach which is much weaker almost every
thing I eat appears to disagree with me though
I attend particularly to your directions with re
gard to regemin it appears to me that I
have the cholic continually I had a very viol ent
fit of it likely the obstruction I named to you
still continues will you be so kind as to advise
and send me by my son John such medicine
as you think my situation requires I am Dr
Sir with much respectLucy Alexander