
Mrs. Elizabeth Donelly

TAKES this method of returning her sincere thanks
to her friends and the public generally, for past
favours. She is still living on the Main-street, (oppo-
site Mr. Joseph Walker's Carriage Manufactory,) and
offers her services to Ladies who may need Obstetrical
aid. Her visits will be cheerfully extended to Ladies
in the Country. From her long and extensive experi-
ence, and her unremitted exertions to please, she hopes
for the continued encouragement of a generous public.

Fred'g, Oct. 25, 1828.

The Subscriber, Doctor Wellford, has
been acquainted with Mrs. Elizabeth Donelly, for ma-
ny years, and knows that she possesses a mild disposi-
tion, and that her conduct is, and always has been re-
gulated by the strictest temperance. He has been with
her when delicacy and skill were necessary—and says,
to her great credit, that she is humble in her own opi-
nion; very free from any delay, when the case is difficult:
as he has always found her ready to listen to the ad-
vice of a Physician, and to request the aid of a medical
man of superior knowledge, in her particular branch of
business. He therefore recommends her for patience
and caution, to those Ladies, whose situations demand
the assistance of a Female, in a state of peculiar distress.


Fred'g, August 19, 1816.

I have perused Dr. Wellford's recommen-
datory Certificate, in favour of Mrs. Donelly, and
heartily concur in all that he has stated in her favour;
and therefore recommend her to the patronage of the


Fred'g, Oct. 25, 1828.