
Dr Sir,

I received this morning from the Office, yours
of the 19th and hasten to reply to it, agreeably to your
request. On the day of my arrival here, from the
City of Richmond, I found a note stating to me
that an ex.n was issued, vs the slaves mentioned in
your letter, and urging upon me, the necessity
of attempting their redemption. I instantly wrote
to Mr. Barton, requesting him to purchase them
for me - but the messenger arrived in Fredbg too
late to effect my purpose.

I have no individual interest, in either of the slaves;
one of them belongs to Mr. Dulany, the other, to my
brother Armistead Carter. I have written to the for=
mer upon the subject, and have not received
an answer, when I hear from him, I will address
you. You are certainly mistaken in supposing
that, for any claim of Mrs. Carter's, you can go
against the Slaves, which have been distributed
for a valuable consideration. She had only
a life estate in them, and had as much right
to sell it, as she would have had, to have


disposed of any other interest, and a court of
equity, would never vitiate such a transaction
unless for fraud. The parties agreed to give
her, an annuity for her life estate in these Slaves,
and I have no doubt, she (Mrs Carter) will use
the money thus received, in discharging her
just debts. Under all the circumstances of the
case, whould it not be better for both sides, that
you should receive at the end of the current
year, your debt with int: than take the step
you propose? The distributees would not re=
fuse, I presume to secure the payment of this debt
to you, at the end of the year - while the ca
sa, could easily be renderd nugatory, by
an unfortunate invalid, who is always con=
find to her room, and mostly to her bed.

I have I think neglected to return to you "Bells
Anatomy of Expression";but it shall not be
forgotten when an opportunity presents itself

In haste and very respectfully


Robt. W. Carter.

